Pay at the Plate

Pay at the Plate

Pay at the Plate

Why are the tournaments a lower cost and what’s the new pay-at-the plate umpire process?

  • USSSA Eastern PA/NJ is adopting the pay-at-the plate umpire system that is the norm in many parts of the country and at most elite level events.  
  • Each team pays cash to the umpires at the home plate meeting prior to the start of the game. 
  • Umpire fees are no longer included in tournament registration fees.
  • The USSSA director will pay the umpire fees for the championship game, AND for any team needing to play a 4th game.
  • For standard tournaments with 2 umpires per game, each team will pay one umpire $60 cash (no checks or CC) at the plate in separate envelopes.
  • There are no refunds after the start of the game.


What are the ways that the new pay-at-the plate umpire process will benefit my team?

  • By utilizing pay at the plate we are able to lower the upfront cost of the tournament. This allows teams to register early and not have to put out a lot of money at the beginning of the season thus allowing them to register for more tournaments. This is especially beneficial for those teams that utilize a payment plan for team members.
  • Rainouts/Shortened tournaments. When a tournament gets shortened due to weather, teams will no longer be losing money for those games not played.
  • Teams that underperform during bracket play will no longer pay umpire fees for teams that advance and play more games. 


USSSA Eastern PA/NJ appreciates your continued business as we go through this period of change and growth. If you have any questions or concerns about the new process, please feel free to contact us. Our customer service team is happy to assist you.